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Pay Per Click Advertising

(on the Internet) a business model whereby a company that has placed an advertisement on a website pays a sum of money to the host website when a user clicks on to the advertisement. "so-called 'click fraud' is an increasing problem as pay-per-click advertising continues to grow".

Campaign Set up

Each campaign consists of one or more ad groups. Settings that you can set at the campaign level include budget, language, location, distribution for the.

Ad Optimization

The word Optimization itself defines it's meaning whether it be an advertising field or any other. It means that some ads generate more revenue.

PPC Maintenance

Paid search marketing means you advertise within the sponsored listings of a search engine or a partner site by paying either each time your ad is clicked (pay-per-click - PPC).

Campaign Set up

Each campaign consists of one or more ad groups. Settings that you can set at the campaign level include budget, language, location, distribution for the Google Network, and more. You can create separate ad campaigns to run ads in different locations or using different budgets.

  • Keyword Research.
  • Bid Setup.
  • Ad Copy Development.
  • Landing Page Recommendations.

Ad Optimization

The word Optimization itself defines it's meaning whether it be an advertising field or any other. It means that some ads generate more revenue, more clicks, more conversions, a higher click-through ratio, or a higher conversion ratio.

  • Text Ads.
  • Image Ads.
  • Remarketing Ad.
  • Interest-based Ad.
  • Topic Targeting.

PPC Maintenance

Paid search marketing means you advertise within the sponsored listings of a search engine or a partner site by paying either each time your ad is clicked (pay-per-click - PPC) or less commonly, when your ad is displayed (cost-per-impression - CPM). This is a fairly standard sponsored results page.

  • Landing Page Optimization.
  • Creating new landing pages.
  • CTR Analysis.
  • Keyword Refinements.

Link Building

In search engine optimization (SEO) terminology link building is the process of exchanging links with other Web sites to increase your own site's backlinks and quality backlinks.

  • Link Research Tools.
  • Ontolo.
  • Whitespark.

Rank Tracking

First we should define what keyword tracking actually is: Keyword tracking, or keyword rank tracking, involves monitoring the position of your website and webpages for specific keywords. It can be shown graphically how keywords ranked in SERPs over periods of time, which helps zero in on struggling keyword ranks.

  • Google Search Console.
  • Advance Web Ranking.
  • Authority Labs.

We make PPC Campaign

The following techniques help on pay per click campaign the effort required by a user to achieve their goal.

Campaign Set up with AdWords

Although AdWords enters a default campaign name for you, you should choose a name that clearly describes the theme of the campaign. Next, select your network. The Networks setting indicates where you want your ad to appear based on the campaign type you choose.

Contextual Targeting

Keyword Contextual Targeting delivers relevant messages to users based on the type of content they consume. You can connect with interested consumers at the exact moment they’re actively engaged in highly relevant content across the entire Google Display Network.

PPC Maintenance With SpyFu

The first PPC tool on our list of must have PPC software is SpyFu. With a name like SpyFu, you can probably guess what it’s used for – spying on your competitors.

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