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Social media optimization (SMO)

However, SMO is now significantly more important and not simply because social networking has grown but because SMO also improves SEO performance


Your reputation in my view starts with ensuring you are either an expert or you act as an expert curator.


You need to actively engage with your audience. This can include commenting, mentions, shares, likes, and plus ones.


There are many aspects to authority. Search engines are interested in ascertaining what individuals and brands are seen.

Grow your Follower

Your company maintains a Facebook and Twitter page and you are still struggling to get traffic from these social media sites then probably you need to rethink about your social media strategy. Getting fake likes or requesting friends to make likes is of little to no use. The total number of followers and connections your social media profiles contains have a great influence on your website rankings.

External inbound Links

Another way to use social media to your advantage is by encouraging more external sites to link to your content. Further, to gain increased authority in the Google, the more diverse external links you get, better it is.

However, to make it happen, as we mentioned earlier you need to consistently post high-quality and engaging content on your social channels. Once you start posting content, you also need to rigorously promote your content by sharing it into existing threads and discussion forums.

Share Quality

To boost your website ranking, you need to consistently produce and share quality content and social media is no different. The content you share on your social channels needs to be high-quality, it should add some value to the readers.

The Origin of SMO

At this time the core focus was driving traffic to websites from social sites.


To me leadership is about high quality research, thinking and original content production. A leader will research everything they can about their areas and share thoughtful insights which will add value to your audience.


You also need to build high quality networks, quality potentially matters more than quantity. Seek out the experts in your field, read what they say, engage them in debate and share your ideas.

Media platforms

It is important you focus on the right platforms and communities. Where does your audience hang out? Find and focus on the platforms, communities and groups where your audience hangs out.

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